Multichannel Gas Sensor v2

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Grove - Multichannel Gas Sensor V2 has 4 measuring units, each of them is sensitive to various kinds of gases, which means you are able to get four sets of data at the same time. And different sorts of gases can also be judged by these four sets of data. The gas sensor used in this module is based on MEMS technology and has the advantage of being in a small size with considerable measurement stability and is more suitable for qualitative than quantitative measurement.


  • Four fully independent sensor elements on one package.
  • The ability to detect a variety of gases, besides Carbon monoxide (CO), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), Ethyl alcohol(C2H5CH), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and etc.
  • Qualitative detecting, rather than quantitative.
  • Compact size for easy deployment.


InterfaceGrove I2C
I2C address0x55
Output voltage3.3V~5V
SensorsGM-102B; GM-302B; GM-502B; GM-702B


Type of productGM-102B
Response time(tres,S)≤30
Recovery Time(trec,S)≤60
Heating resistance(RH,Ω)80±20
Operating Voltage(V)VH=2.0±0.1 AC or DC VC=5.0±0.1DC


Type of productGM-302B
Standard packageCeramic package
Standard circuit conditions Loop voltageVC≤24V DC
Heating VoltageVH2.5V±0.1V AC or DC
Load ResistanceRLAdjustable
Gas sensor characteristics under standard test conditionsHeating resistanceRH60~100Ω(Room Temperature)
Heating power consumptionPH≤50mW
Sensitive body resistanceRS1KΩ~30KΩ(in 50ppm Ethanol )
SensitivitySRs(in air)/Rs(in 50ppm Ethanol )≥3.0
Concentration slopeα≤0.9(R200ppm/R50ppm Ethanol )
Standard test conditionsTemperature/Humidity20℃±2℃;55%±5%RH
Standard test circuitVH:2.5V±0.1V; VC:5.0V±0.1V
Preheat timeLess than 48hrs


Type of productGM-502B
Standard packageCeramic package
Standard circuit conditions Loop voltageVC≤24V DC
Heating VoltageVH2.5V±0.1V AC or DC
Load ResistanceRLAdjustable
Gas sensor characteristics under standard test conditionsHeating resistanceRH80Ω ± 20Ω(Room temperature)
Heating power consumptionPH≤50mW
Sensitive body resistanceRS1KΩ~30KΩ (in 50ppm Ethanol)
SensitivitySR0 (in air) / Rs (in 50ppm Ethanol) ≥3.0
Concentration slopeα≤0.9 (R200ppm / R50ppm Ethanol)
Standard test conditions Temperature / Humidity20℃ ± 2℃;55% ± 5%RH
Standard test circuit VH:2.5V ± 0.1V; VC:5.0V ± 0.1V


Type of productGM-702B
Standard packageCeramic package
Standard circuit conditions Loop voltageVC≤24V DC
Heating VoltageVH2.5V±0.1V AC or DC(High Temperature) 0.5V±0.1V AC or DC(Low Temperature)
Load ResistanceRL60s±1s(H. T);90s±1s(L. T)
Gas sensor characteristics under standard test conditionsHeating resistanceRHAdjustable
Heating power consumptionPH80Ω±20Ω(Room temperature)
Sensitive body resistanceRS≤50mW
SensitivityS1KΩ~30KΩ(in 150ppmCO)
Concentration slopeαR0(in air)/Rs(in 150ppmCO)≥3
Standard test conditions Temperature / Humidity20℃±2℃;55%±5%RH
Standard test circuitVH: 2.5V±0.1V(H. T) 0.5V±0.1V(L. T) VC : 5.0V±0.1V

Sample test outcomes

result outcome

Characteristic descriptions


Rs in the figure represents the resistance value of the sensorin different concentrations of gas; R0 represents the resistance value of the sensor in clean air. All tests in the picture are completed under standard test conditions. Yellow line is Toluene, blue line is Ethanol, red line is Acetone and purple line is Formaldehyde, which is the same as the ones in charts below.


The output voltage in Chart 3 is the voltage across the load resistance (RL) of the sensor in series. The test in the figure is completed under standard test conditions, with a test gas of 50 ppm ethanol. The output voltage in Chart 4 is the voltage across the load resistance (RL) of the sensor in series. All tests in the figure are completed under standard test conditions.


Rs in Chart 5 represents the resistance value of the sensorin different concentrations of gas; R0 represents the resistance value of the sensor in clean air. All tests in the picture are completed under standard test conditions. Yellow line is Toluene, blue line is Ethanol, red line is Acetone and purple line is Formaldehyde, which is the same as the ones in charts below. In Chart 6, Rs represents the resistance value under 50ppm ethanol and various temperatures / humidities; Rs0 represents the resistance value under 50ppm ethanol, 20 ℃ and 55% RH.


The output voltage in Chart 7 is the voltage across the load resistance (RL) of the sensor in series. The test in the figure is completed under standard test conditions, with a test gas of 50 ppm ethanol. The output voltage in Chart 8 is the voltage across the load resistance (RL) of the sensor in series. All tests in the figure are completed under standard test conditions.


In Chart 9, Rs represents the resistance of the sensor in different concentrations of gas Value; R0 represents the resistance value of the sensor in clean air. All tests in the picture are completed under standard test conditions. The black line is for CO, red one is CH4, Purple is for H2 and pink one is Air.In Chart 10 , Rs represents the temperature at 150ppmCO and various temperatures / humidities. Resistance value; Rs0 means resistance value under 150ppmCO, 20 ℃, 55% RH.


The voltage in Chart 11 is the voltage across the load resistance (RL) of the sensor in series. The test in the picture is completed under standard test conditions, test gas 150ppmCO. The output voltage in Chart 12 is the voltage across the load resistance (RL) of the sensor in series. All tests in the picture are completed under standard test conditions.

Platform Supported

ArduinoRaspberry Pi



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