SHT20 I2C Temperature & Humidity Sensor (Waterproof Probe) (SEN0227)

(27,90 με ΦΠΑ)
Προσθήκη στα αγαπημένα


  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V/5V
  • Communication Interface: I2C / IIC
  • Protection Class: waterproof anti-condensation
  • RH Response Time: 8s (tau63%)
  • Accuracy: ±3% RH / ±0.3 ℃
  • Measuring Range: 0-100% RH / -40-125 ℃
  • Dimension: 73mm * 17mm / 2.87 * 0.67 inches
  • Weight: 44g

Board Overview

Black (Blue)4SCL


In this section, we'll use Arduino to drive SHT20 I2C Temperature & Humidity Sensor (Waterproof Probe)


  • Hardware
    • DFRduino UNO (or similar) x 1
    • SHT20 I2C Temperature & Humidity Sensor
    • M-M/F-M/F-F Jumper wires

Connection Diagram

Arduino SHT20 Temperature & Humidity Sensor Connection

Sample Code

Download the DFRobot Arduino SHT20 library

How to install Libraries in Arduino IDE

/*! * @file  DFRobot_SHT20_test.ino * @brief DFRobot's SHT20 Humidity And Temperature Sensor Module * @n     This example demonstrates how to read the user registers to display resolution and other settings. *        Uses the SHT20 library to display the current humidity and temperature. *        Open serial monitor at 9600 baud to see readings. *        Errors 998 if not sensor is detected. Error 999 if CRC is bad. * Hardware Connections: * -VCC = 3.3V * -GND = GND * -SDA = A4 (use inline 330 ohm resistor if your board is 5V) * -SCL = A5 (use inline 330 ohm resistor if your board is 5V) */
#include <Wire.h>
#include "DFRobot_SHT20.h"
DFRobot_SHT20    sht20;
void setup()
{    Serial.begin(9600);    Serial.println("SHT20 Example!");    sht20.initSHT20();                                  // Init SHT20 Sensor    delay(100);    sht20.checkSHT20();                                 // Check SHT20 Sensor
void loop()
{    float humd = sht20.readHumidity();                  // Read Humidity    float temp = sht20.readTemperature();               // Read Temperature    Serial.print("Time:");    Serial.print(millis());    Serial.print(" Temperature:");    Serial.print(temp, 1);    Serial.print("C");    Serial.print(" Humidity:");    Serial.print(humd, 1);    Serial.print("%");    Serial.println();    delay(1000);


Expected Results

Arduino SHT20 Serial port Result


Datasheet (Sensirion-Humidity-SHT20-Datasheet.pdf, 543 Kb) [Λήψη]