Arduino MKR Connector Carrier (Grove)

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Want to connect several Seeed Studio Grove modules to your Arduino board? The Arduino MKR CONNECTOR CARRIER is the perfect companion for Arduino MKR boards and a Grove ecosystem.

Do you have several components to connect to your project and would rather use connectors instead of soldering? The Arduino MKR CONNECTOR CARRIER provides Seeed Studio's Grove connectors to your MKR board.

The MKR CONNECTOR CARRIER shield is an essential tool for rapidly prototyping activity. It allows you to connect easily and quickly sensors with Grove connectors. This shield can allow you to build applications with different IoT connectivities by simply changing the MKR board and with almost no changes to the code.

PLEASE NOTE: a limited number of boards have a wrong labeling on the solder side. Please refer to the current image for the correct labeling. The component side labels are correct on all the boards; refer to them for your connections.

InterfaceFourteen Grove Connectors
 Analog InputsSix at 5 Volts
 Digital Input/OutputSix at 5 Volts
 Other ConnectorsOne 5V I2C, One 5V UART
Circuit Operating Voltage3.3V
