Patrol Starter Kit

(310,00 inc tax)
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This is the Starter Kit for our Android App "Πatrol". It includes the following NFC Tags:

1 x Admin Tag

5 x User Tags

10 x POI Tags

After downloading the App from the Play Store, it is required to assign the Admin Tag using the unique encryption key. The Administrator can assign Users  (up to 5 that are included in the Kit) and Points of Interest (POI - up to 10 that are included in the Kit).

Each Tag is encrypted and cannot be copied for security reasons.

By using the Πatrol App it is possible to organize a patrol sequence by visiting each Point of Interest recording the time and user that visited. In addition, each user can write comments in Free Text and assign the priority in a 1-5 scale.

After the end of patrol - visiting the starting point - the patrol can be either uploaded to a Private Cloud or to a PC as a *.CSV file (comma separated values).

Secure and Easy!